Denture Maintenance

Melbourne Denture Clinic guide on how to take care of your dentures. Denture maintenance, how to insert, how to remove and how to clean dentures.


insertion and removal

Your dentist or prosthesist will show you how to put in and take out your denture. Feel free to ask them questions. Make sure you are comfortable with putting them in and taking them out before you finish your appointment at MDC.

Never use force to get your dentures in or out.


Your new denture may feel strange, even if you have worn dentures before. This is normal and happens because your mouth takes time to adapt.

When you first eat with your new denture, start with soft foods (e.g. lightly cooked vegetables).

Take small bites and chew slowly. If you have natural teeth, try to bite with them rather than the artificial ones.

If possible, chew on both sides at the same time.


Remove your dentures before going to bed each night. This gives your mouth a chance to rest and will help stop you grinding your teeth while you sleep.

Clean dentures well using liquid soap and a soft toothbrush. After cleaning, dentures can either be kept in a cup of fresh cold water, or left to dry.

Mouth soreness

Your mouth may become a little sore under your new denture. If this happens, contact the clinic to arrange to have your denture adjusted.

If the soreness is severe it may help to remove the denture for at least part of the day. However, please wear the denture for a few hours before your appointment so we can work out where the adjustment is required.

Remember, do not adjust or try to repair your dentures.

Dentures should be well fitted and comfortable when you chew and your breath should be fresh. See your oral health professional if you have any pain or problems with your mouth or dentures or if you need further information on denture cleaning and care.


on-site denture polish available

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